Saturday, July 18, 2015

Passing ssh public key to Linux "PAC Manager" app

PAC Manager (PAC for short) is an ssh GUI for Linux that manages multiple session and has some handy features for clusters of Linux/Unix systems.  The only place I have found it is from (looks like it is finally back on-line, 3 days down, a bummer) at least from a Fedora fan's perspective.

Anyway, I have not used this app because I was not able to figure out how to use public ssh keys that I already have set up with command line ssh on Linux.  I finally did some Google search and was able to locate a post that described how to pass the public key on a remote host connection (sorry, I did not save the URL).

Here is a screenshot that shows where in the PAC GUI the public key file name is specified.  I have not checked but I would hope someone has made a request to add a separate field to specify the key file name (maybe it is already there, maybe I missed it).

The tricky part was using IdentityFile= instead of identity_file=.  The ssh documentation uses the latter.

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