Saturday, July 06, 2013

How to: Flash player on google-chrome-stable and Fedora 19

I upgraded my old AMD single core system to Fedora 19 via fedup a couple of days ago.  The AMD system was running a fresh install of Fedora 18 and I did not have the flash player working.  Of course, the Fedora 19 upgrade did not give me a flash player either.  I tried a couple of web sites and got the following to work:

  1. Installed autoten
  2. Ran autoten from the command line (prompts for root password, nice!) and uninstalled previously installed codedec's and anything else it said was installed.  I noticed that Calligra and VLC got removed but that's OK for now.
  3. Rebooted system (probably not needed).
  4. Rand autoten again and installed codedecs and flash player (there were a lot of packages not found but it must have installed enough packages for VLC and flash player to work).
  5. Tried viewing video in google-chrome-stable and got the error about unable to load plugin.
  6. Did more Googling and tried a few things.  The one that worked was to delete .config/google-chrome directory in my home directory.
  7. After running this, videos now worked from YouTube!
Note: Deleting the directory .config/google-chrome caused me to loose all my configuration.  I have Google synch activated so this was not a real problem.